22 July 2009

Yadi, yadi,...yada

The eclipse has come and gone. Pretty uneventful.

It is a slow news day. I will be seeing the new shrink tomorrow. She has a facebook page with sepia toned black and white photo of herself on it. I don't know what to make of it.

I just realised that I hate twitter. Just hate it.

Haven't got much reading done. Henry Miller goes on. He really easy to read but needs patience to understand, also bourgeois indian upbringing doesn't help.

Is that movie that Howard Hughes 'Hell's Angels' any good. Just wondering. I may give it a watch.


  1. Love your honesty! Here are the Kylie Johnson poems i promised...http://talesoflidia.blogspot.com/2009/07/some-poems-by-kylie-johnson.html
