6 April 2011

Usual Stuff

It has been a while since I finished 'Rememberance of the Things Past.' It certainly is a great read.

I watched Catherine Breillat's 36 Fillette. A very feminist work in fun and watchable all along. A young girl/woman finding her footing in world.

I read Gogol's Dead Souls immedieately afterwards. Gogol certainly is the master in creating characters that universal as well as realateable. It is a pity he never finished it.

Recently I finished reading Robin Sharma's 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari.' That is two weeks of my life I will not get back. Nothing more than pseudo-psyco-spiritual nonsense packaged as life changing advice. Not to mention the repeated references to the Yogis in the Himalayas. Please don't insult my intelegence and try to pass of common-sense as philosophy.

Salman Rushdie's 'Shalimar The Clown' and William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' are in the to do list.