18 May 2009

stuff, jack-fruit, madame bovary and arabian nights and other nonsense

Well I have started reading The Arabian Nights. Madame Bovary was simply great. I finally pointed out what was bothering me, which was that of late I have been reading a lot of books without 'happy endings'. Hence I decided to read some fairy tales and childrens literature. Hence--Arabian Nights.

I had a bit of a scare when, I heard, Chrys was quitting her job. I replied quite passionately. Thankfully it was a false alarm. '''Poisonous in large doses.''' This may be unkind, but is the truth when it comes to faith and philosophy, more so in India than anywhere else. The movie 'The Darjelling Express' by the way is horrible. It has no script and no story and none what so ever of common sense. It is probably shot in Arizona or some where, they manage to find a desert on their way to darjelling. I am not disappointed about Owen Wilson, because he has made it a habit of doing bad movies. Adrian Broody is utterly lost. He is capable of acting, and is an entire waste in this movie. I have to admit giving him an oscar may have been a waste.

I had a few bad days of late. I am not as depressed today, as I was last week. My mother is convinced wearing a ring or Amethyst will make me better. I think, I will put on the ring more to avoid the argument over it, than curing the 'loonies' I have the honour of being plagued by.

I bought a jack-fruit yesterday. It was quite a challenge to open it. I have always felt calling the mango the king of the fruits is rather over-rated. I think people in other parts of the world may not join in the appreciation of the Indian mango. They might think of pears, or kiwi, or maybe some other exotic fruit. My answer to them is the Jack-fruit. I like it more than anything else. I take care not to tell anyone about this. I cannot risk people knowing that I like it. I have my reasons.

That's about it.

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