25 September 2008

Just some stuff

I missed watching Forrest Gump on TV. I really, like that movie and have often wondered what works of literature it is based on. In spite of having watched it a dozen times, it still touches me.

“Shit Happens” is what he says. That probably summarises half of philosophy and all the self help books in the market. I particularly like the scene in which he begins to run and never stops for several years. The simplicity if the act is profoundly significant mile stone not only in cinema but also every man’s individual spiritual quest.

To do or undo anything is a choice every one of us make everyday. We consider ourselves wise and knowledgeable for having analysed the question and arrived at a reasonable conclusion. Is it anymore reasonable than the decision taken in passion and faith or the ones taken in throes of intoxicating love. I analysed the question and responded to myself that this is a profound question that needs further attention.

I am stuck in the vortex of thought and analysis. I tried meditation today. All I did was analyse meditation rather than meditate. I wonder if I will ever be able to fight myself out of this rather unexplainable predicament. I also wonder if I am still fighting or have already given up.

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