I finished reading 'Lord of the Flies' and loved it. Certainly my kind of literature. I am now reading 'In Cold Blood' by Truman Capote. I figured I should read his earlier works before I read this but that did not happen. I simply am in awe of his style of developing characters and making them relateable. I am looking forward to how he takes them forward.
I watched the movie 'The Telephone Book' directed by Nelson Lyon. Certainly not everyone's cup to tea, but very simple and likeable. I story about a girl's falling in love / obssession with an obscene caller. She sets out to find him and does in the end.
Immediately afterwards I watched Lilliana Cavani's 'The Night Porter.' I have been meaning to watch it for a long time. Charolette Rampling is wonderful as ever and Dirk Bogarde does not let us down. A very controversial story, perhaps undecided between Stockholm syndrome and true love. The iconic song of the lead actress singing in a topless SS uniform was hyped in my opinion. The undertone of sado-masochism complements the narrative rather than hijacking it as I had suspected. My verdict: A love story.
'The Passion of the Christ' was on TV on Good Friday. Mel Gibson goes overboard in everything he does. Good acting, cannot say that about the casting. Monica Bellucci... seriously??? A few years back there was talk of a Sonia Gandhi biopic starring Monica Bellucci. Some moron looked up the most popular Italian actress and decided to cast her. I got into trouble, but I stand by what I said then. Monica Bellucci it too beautiful to play Sonia Gandhi. Is she too beautiful to play Mary Magdlene?? One will never know.
The Lord of the Flies is truly one of the great books. I barely remember In Cold Blood, I should probably re-read it one of these days.