6 October 2009

October the 6th

Stuff has been happening. Nothing of much consequence.

I am currently reading Man who was Thursday. I am barely a few pages into it. I just finished Beyond Good and Evil, by Nietzsche. I liked it. I think I will read Thus Spake Zarathustra asap. Next on the list is Man's Search of Meaning by Victor Frankl. The new shrink wants to try some logo therapy.

I watched a bunch of movies. Aar Par, one of Guru Dutt's early works. I am working up his films to reach his masterpiece Pyasa. Then Mother India. It is supposed to be a classic, I felt it was a little overstated. It is nevertheless a great 70's movie. Then Chaundini Ka Chand, another of Guru Dutt's early works. Do Ankhen Barah Haath, which is supposed to be V Shantaram's masterpiece is what I am watching currently. A great interpretation of Gandhian philosophy. Over the weekend I watched The General (Buster Keaton) a silent movie and Zelary (Ondrej Trojan) a Czech movie on TV. I liked both. That is really a lot of movies, but I plan to watch more. I am getting up early and watching movies as I get ready in the mornings. Further on the list is the original Devdas.

I sent the form for the Writers course one month back. I think they have received it, but I haven't received a reply yet. It is probably one of a very few initiatives I have taken since I went crazy, so as much as I tell myself it isn't, it is a big deal.

My studies are going OK. I sort of fell of the wagon a few weeks back, now I am trying to stick to my schedules. I sort of '''forgot''' to go to the gym a few times, now I am trying not to 'forget', in fact I am going to the gym this afternoon.

I started listening to some rock music a while back on the advice of a friend. Currently I am listening to Black Sabbath. I am not sure I get it. '''Mindless generic Rock''' or Soulful music??? I don't know.

Deepavali is a few days away. The festival of lights blah! blah! I stopped celebrating it years back, now it is just another nuisance and a lot of noise in the streets.

One of the big things that happened was that the water pump in my house was fused. I got it replaced, but is it still temporary. It needs some work and installing but the contractor has been dragging me around. It really annoys me. Woe ye contractor!

A new restaurant opened up near by. The food is spicier than I like it to be.

I am smelling a dead something, outside, for a while now, but cannot trace where the stench comes from. Every time I looked for it, I lost it because it is very windy. I first suspected there was a dead rat or some rodent in the gutters, then maybe some dead bird. Now I am beginning to wonder if some neighbour is rotting in his house. I have no patience or energy to pursue the matter.


Aapa Om

It has been a while.

It has been raining cats and dogs. I am not entirely sure, it is not my fault. Last week we officially declared a flood. Many northern districts are still underwater, many lower riparian districts in Andhra are being evacuated. For the first time in history the entire temple and town of Mantralaya was flooded, with more than 15 feet of water. Raichur, where it hardly ever rains is underwater.

Some people asked... Why?... How?.... I don't think they want an answer. The answer has been screaming in their faces for years now and they never bothered to listen. GLOBAL WARMING. Yes, the same old pollution, CO2 and blah! blah! Quickly change the channel. The reigning seer of the Mantralaya Math Sri Suyateendra Teertha Swami had to be rescued from the roof top of the temple with a helicopter. I wish him well, and truly hope that he or no one else shall have to endure such and ordeal ever. I also wish he shall see the wisdom in protecting the environment. He and his math is active in greenery projects, but that is hardly enough. I did pray for him and also prayed that his prime teacher Sri Raghavendra Swami will instigate him in the path of environmental protection.

Men, mortals and eco-freaks have worked tirelessly for years now to save what is left of nature. And, sadly failed for most of it. What is needed now are inspired men, dedicated masses and eco-freaks. He can play a pivotal role in inspiring the people. We only need a spark to light the fire. He, as a monk, is bound by oath to protect dharma and harm none. He is a wise man, what remains is that he sees the connection.