I went a little down then a little up and then a lot down and so on.
I finally finished the assignment and sent it in. I now have to get started on the second assignment for my writers course.
Little progress on finding the hypnotist.
I watched Havoc *ing Anne Hathway. It was OK. She is good as an actor, and this is probably an atempt to break the good-girl image.
Half Nelson *ing Ryan Goesling was better. Good casting. Very empathetic story.
I had stopped mid-way in watching Baise-Moi a fewu weeks back. I finished it. It is slightly disturbing to watch but a truly good movie. The acting and camera work is unorthodox and irregular. The story is tight and gripping. Very feminist. Very european. It has a full blown InDi feel to it. Most, if not all, of the graphic sex and voilence is justified and adds to the experience.
After I finished reading Moby Dick, I read a set of talks on Eshavasya Upanishat by Bannanje Govindacharya. I mainly deals with meditation. The first half was dealt with in detail, but the latter half very hurried. Perhaps that is why it was a little unsatisfying in the end.
Now I am reading Paradise Lost by Milton. I have planned the Dhammapada and the Old Testament soon.